Set up a Wagtail user login system

This document assumes that you have a Wagtail application up and running (see). It will take you through the steps that you need to follow to set up pages and links that will allow a registered user to login, log out and change their password.

To run this project I am using a menu page:

{% block content %}
Your are logged in as: 
<a href="">Logout</a>
<a href="">Login</a>
<a href="">Change password</a>
{% endblock %}
  1. Create a new app users

     ./ startapp users
  2. Update

  3. In <project>/

     urlpatterns = [
         url(r'^users/', include('users.urls')),
  4. In users/

     from django.urls import path
     from . import views
     urlpatterns = [
             path(r'logout/', views.logout, name='logout'),

The logout screen

This is the simplest function to provide.