Terminal commands

  1. To see list of recent commands, (in this case 25):
     history 25
  2. To search for a command in recent commands:
     Type in th
     e start of the command
  3. To add a directory to PATH add the line to ./bashrc
     export PATH="/path/to/dir:$PATH"
  4. To run .bashrc to evade logging out:
     source ~/.bashrc

To list a program’s dependencies

E.g for rhythmbox

apt-cache depends rhythmbox

To check that a lib is installed

E.g for libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-0

ldconfig -p | grep libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-0

If it exists you will see a list of information, if not, nothing is output.

Flip image horizontally (mirror)

ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vf "transpose=0,transpose=1" output.mp4